Most important features of Late Large-flowered Group:

  • bloom in the second half. VI - the first half. VII on new shoots, repeat flowering in autumn,
  • flowers mostly single, with a diameter of 10-20cm long and bloom profusely,
  • are hardy (zone 4-9),
  • require hard pruning (clipping all the shoots on the second, third pair of buds, ie at the height of 20-30 cm above the ground)
  • in the case of young plants in the first year after planting will cut stems at a height of about 30cm above the ground-to better propagation, in the second year we cut them at the height of 40cm, and in the third year at the height of 50cm.

Late Large-flowered Group

Clematis Cloudburst PBR

Clematis Cloudburst PBR
Clematis Cloudburst PBR

Beautiful Polish cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection of light pink-violet flowers, turning white toward the centre and pinkish veins. Flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, consist of 4-6 rhomboid petals with slightly wavy edges. The anthers are almost black on creamy filaments...

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Grunwald PBR

Clematis Grunwald PBR
Clematis Grunwald PBR

The latest cultivar from Szczepan Marczyński's collection. Flowers are velvety, purple-violet, 10-12 in diameter. The stamens have purple-blue anthers on creamy-green filaments. It blooms ...

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Morning Sky

Clematis Morning Sky
Clematis Morning Sky

Beautiful Polish cultivar breed by Szczepan Marczyński. Flowers are violet-pink, almost round that gets lighter towards the center and have an ornamented pinkish veins. They are 8-10 cm in diameter...

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Skyfall PBR

Clematis Skyfall PBR
Clematis Skyfall PBR

An original variety of light blue flowers with irregular light violet splashes getting lighter towards the centre and pinkish veins. Medium flowers 10-12 cm in diameter, consist of...

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Floral Dance PBR

Clematis Floral Dance PBR
Clematis Floral Dance PBR

Polska, nowa odmiana wyhodowana przez Szczepana Marczyńskiego. Powojnik ten charakteryzuje się zawsze pełnymi i półpełnymi kwiatami o fioletowo-niebieskiej barwie. Kwiaty ciekawe, średniej wielkości o średnicy 5-7 cm, pojawiające się na pędach tegorocznych. Kwitnie od połowy czerwca do końca lipca, powtarza kwitnienie w końcu września ( mniej obficie). Pnącze osiąga wysokość do 2,5 m. Lubi miejsca jasne, ciepłe, ale nie gorące. Gleby żyzne, przepuszczalne, umiarkowanie wilgotne. Odmiana przydatna do uprawy w dużych pojemnikach, na balkonach i tarasach. Wymaga podpór. Odmiana mrozoodporna.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


41,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 38,80 zł


Clematis Jan Karski

Clematis Jan Karski
Clematis Jan Karski

Nowa, polska odmiana dorastająca do wysokości 2,5 m. Wyróżnia się średniej wielkości kwiatami które są fioletowo- białe. W okresie kwitnienia które, przypada na czerwiec – lipiec, obsypuje się masą kwiatów. Ze względu na swój wysoki wzrost doskonale nadaje się do sadzenia przy siatkach i dużych podporach. Preferuje  stanowiska słoneczne, gleby żyzne, przepuszczalne i wilgotne. Wartościowa i cenna odmiana doskonale nadająca się do ogrodów przydomowych. Dobrze prezentuje się posadzona przy pergolach, altanach, płotach.

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Neonka PBR

Clematis Neonka PBR
Clematis Neonka PBR

Polska odmiana wyhodowana przez Szczepana Marczyńskiego. Odmiana obficie kwitnąca o ciemnofioletowych, średniej wielkości (8-12 cm średnicy), pojedynczych kwiatach z żółtymi pylnikami.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


41,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 38,80 zł

  • new

Clematis Perida

Clematis Perida
Clematis Perida
One of the prettiest red flowered cultivars. Apart from the outstanding looks its assets are modest demands and easy maintenance. Ideal for container cultivation.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


41,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 38,80 zł


Clematis Rosamunde

Clematis Rosamunde
Clematis Rosamunde
A cultivar that commands attention due to its unusual salmon pink flowers with a deep pink bar along the middle of each sepal. It’s undemanding and may grow in every type of a garden. Recommended also for container cultivation.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Snow Storm PBR

Clematis Snow Storm PBR
Clematis Snow Storm PBR

Ciekawa, nowa, polska odmiana powojnika hodowli Szczepana Marczyńskiego. Kwiaty dość spore o średnicy do 14 cm, barwy śnieżno-białej, pojedyncze. Odmiana obficie kwitnąca. Kwitnienie od połowy czerwca do końca lipca, może powtórzyć kwitnienie na przełomie września i października. Wysokość do 2,5m. Powojnik ten wyróżnia się małymi wymaganiami i łatwa uprawą. Lubi stanowiska jasne, dobrze naświetlone. Gleba żyzna, przepuszczalna, umiarkowanie wilgotna. Odmiana przydatna do uprawy przy kratach, obeliskach i innych podporach ogrodowych oraz w dużych pojemnikach na balkonach i tarasach. Może wspinać się po naturalnych podporach, np. krzewach iglastych i liściastych. Duża mrozoodporność.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


41,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 38,80 zł


Clematis Taiga

Clematis Taiga
Clematis Taiga

An intriguing new cultivar of double, extravagant flowers. Blooms abundantly in summer. A valuable adornment of any type of a garden or a terrace.

Availability: sold out


43,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 40,65 zł

Clematis Ashva

Clematis Ashva
Clematis Ashva

A compact climber with round, 5-8 cm across, purple-violet flowers composed of 6 tepals with a red bar along the midrib that is gradually getting darker towards the base. The tepals are almost round and have charming wavy edges. The central eye consists of purple anthers on white-pink filaments. It flowers profusely on new wood from June to September. It attains the height of 1,5-2 m and attaches itself to the support by means of twining leaf petioles. Useful for growing on trellises, poles and various garden supports, or through other shrubs. Perfect for container-growing.

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Barbara PBR

Clematis Barbara PBR
Clematis Barbara PBR

A lovely large flowered variety from Poland. Awarded the gold medal at the Plantarium 2002 Arboricultural Trade Fair. Alluring vivid purplish pink flowers with lighter spots, fading to purplish red in autumn with a deep purplish-red bar. Deep purple anthers. Free-flowering for a long period, from late May to mid July and again from late August to September. It grows up to 3m. Tolerates any aspect. Suitable for growing over fences, trellises, arbors and various garden supports as well as in large containers. Lightly pruned it will bloom at the end of May, whereas after hard pruning the flowers will appear in mid June.

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Bieszczady

Clematis Bieszczady
Clematis Bieszczady
A new Polish cultivar introduced in 2006. Pink flowers 14-20 cm in diameter are composed of 6-8 petals with an almost white central bar. Claret anthers on pink filaments. Blooms from the end of June to September. Achieves a height of 2-3 m. It clings to supports with twining leaf petioles. Useful for growing over fences, arbours, trellises, stakes and other supports


Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Błękitny Anioł - Blue Angel

Clematis Błękitny Anioł - Blue Angel
Clematis Błękitny Anioł - Blue Angel

A healthy Polish cultivar, moderately fast growing and free-flowering. Pale blue flowers with wavy edges and yellow-green stamens, borne from June to August. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown into natural supports such as small trees or over large bushy, deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Particularly useful for cultivating in large containers on terraces and balconies.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud

Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud
Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud

A healthy, moderately fast growing and free-flowering cultivar. Beautiful, medium-size, soft rose-pink flowers with cream anthers, borne from June to September. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown into natural supports such as small trees or over large bushy, deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Suitable for cultivation in large containers on terraces and balconies.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Danuta

Clematis Danuta
Clematis Danuta

A Polish cultivar raised by brother Stefan Franczak at the beginning of the 90’s. Pink flowers with wavy edged tepals and creamy-green stamens are borne profusely in June and July. It climbs by means of twining leaf petioles and can reach a height up to 2,5 m. Particularly useful for growing over arbors, trellises, stakes and other garden supports, but it can also clamber over natural supports like deciduous and coniferous bushes or dwarf shrubs. Makes a good container plant on balconies or patios.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Ernest Markham

Clematis Ernest Markham
Clematis Ernest Markham

A moderately growing, floriferous cultivar. Glowing red-violet flowers with a velvety sheen and cream-brown stamens. Excellent for walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can also be grown into natural supports such as small trees or over large bushy, deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Suitable for cultivation in large containers. Particularly useful for sunny sites.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Hagley Hybrid

Clematis Hagley Hybrid
Clematis Hagley Hybrid

A hardy, moderately fast growing and free-flowering cultivar. Shell-pink flowers with contrasting chocolate-brown anthers, borne in July-September. Best planted out of full sun. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. small trees or deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Particularly useful cultivation in shaded positions.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Huldine

Clematis Huldine
Clematis Huldine

A vigorous and free-flowering cultivar. Pearly white flowers with a mauve bar on the reverse and white filaments with yellow anthers, borne from June to September. Thrives best in full sun. Suitable for fences, arbors and garden supports.

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Jackmanii

Clematis Jackmanii
Clematis Jackmanii

The oldest large-flowered cultivar raised in England in 1858. Spectacular, dark, violet-purple, semi-nodding flowers with green stamens are borne in great profusion from July to October. A healthy and hardy variety. Ideal for fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. small trees or large, deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Suitable for cultivation in large containers.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Kardynał Wyszyński

Clematis Kardynał Wyszyński
Clematis Kardynał Wyszyński

A hardy, free-flowering Polish cultivar of a moderate growth. Crimson flowers with reddish-brown stamens are borne in great profusion from June to September. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. small trees, deciduous or coniferous shrubs where conditions are suitable, otherwise it makes a charming ground cover. Suitable for cultivation in large containers on terraces and balconies. Plant against a light background for the most ornamental effect.

Availability: sold out


34,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 32,31 zł

Clematis Kryspina

Clematis Kryspina
Clematis Kryspina

A Polish cultivar with pink-claret flowers of 12-15 cm across composed of 6 oval, loosely arranged tepals with a redder bar along the midrib. Yellow anthers on pale yellow-green filaments. It flowers profusely form June to August. It attains the height of 2,5-3 m and attaches itself to the support by means of twining leaf petioles. Useful for growing on arbours, fences, trellises, poles and various garden supports. It can climb up natural supports such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs or dwarf shrubs.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Mazowsze

Clematis Mazowsze
Clematis Mazowsze

A Polish cultivar introduced in 2006. Claret velvety flowers 15-20 cm in diameter, on long stems. 6 nicely formed wide tepals. Coffee anthers on yellow filaments grouped in a semicircle. Together with yellow pistils they brighten the flowers. The inner side of the tepals has a whitish bar along the midrib and pink edges. Blooms from the end of June to September. It reaches the height of 2-3,5 m. It clings to supports with twining leaf petioles. Prefers airy sites and doesn’t like drying soil. Useful for growing over fences, arbours, trellises, stakes and other supports.

Availability: sold out


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

Clematis Mazury

Clematis Mazury
Clematis Mazury

A Polish cultivar from 2006. Large (15-17 cm in diameter), double flowers on new growth – blue with lighter spots. The outer circle of the tepals is mottled with green. Flowers have a nice, regular structure on opening and seem to be made of crêpe paper. When fully open they reveal creamy stamens. Flowers appear from the end of June to September. It grows up to 2-3 m using twining leaf petioles to attach itself to the supports. Best grown in a sunny position. Particularly useful for growing up trellises, stakes and other supports. It can also be left to climb up natural supports.


Availability: sold out


41,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 38,80 zł

Clematis Rasputin

Clematis Rasputin
Clematis Rasputin

Very dark flowers, 8-12 cm across, with 6 wavy-edged tepals that are purple violet above and grey violet beneath. Purple anthers on light green filaments. Flowers appear from June to September. It grows 2-3 m high and attaches itself to the support with leaf tendrils. Useful for growing on trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can climb up natural supports, e.g. deciduous and coniferous bushes or dwarf shrubs. Looks spectacular grown against a light background. Good for container growing.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Rhapsody

Clematis Rhapsody
Clematis Rhapsody

A charming cultivar of compact growth. It attracts attention with its conspicuous sapphire-blue flowers with yellow stamens. Long and profuse flowering from June to September. Particularly useful for cultivation in containers on terraces and balconies or in small gardens.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Roko-Kolla

Clematis Roko-Kolla
Clematis Roko-Kolla

An Estonian cultivar with a compact growth habit. Creamy-white flowers, having a greenish-yellow stripe down each tepal and creamy-yellow stamens, are borne very freely from the beginning of July to early October. It climbs by means of twining leaf petioles and is suitable for growing over fences, arbors, trellises, stakes and other garden supports. A good container plant. It can also clamber through natural supports e.g. deciduous and coniferous shrubs. Provides a wonderful display when planted against a dark background.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Romantika

Clematis Romantika
Clematis Romantika

An Estonian cultivar with very deep violet, almost black flowers and contrasting pale yellow stamens. It looks particularly attractive against a light background, meandering through yellow leafed deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Vulnerable to powdery mildew. Suitable for fences, walls , arbors, pergolas, trellises as well as stakes. It can clamber through natural supports e.g. small trees and large deciduous or coniferous shrubs.


Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Rouge Cardinal

Clematis Rouge Cardinal
Clematis Rouge Cardinal

An excellent variety with a moderate growth rate. Large, crimson velvet flowers with beige anthers are borne in great profusion over a long period of time: in May-June, and again in July August. Suitable for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. small trees or large, bushy deciduous shrubs. A superb clematis for growing in containers on terraces and balconies. Especially effective when grown against a light background.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Stasik

Clematis Stasik
Clematis Stasik
Bright purple red star-shaped flowers, 8-10 cm across, with a lighter central bar. Purple red anthers on creamy filaments. Blooms from June to August but only few flowers appear in July-August. It grows 1,2-1,8 m high and attaches itself to the support with leaf tendrils. Useful for growing on trellises, poles and other garden supports. It can climb up natural supports, e.g. deciduous and coniferous bushes or dwarf shrubs. Good for container growing.


Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Utopia

Clematis Utopia
Clematis Utopia

A Japanese hybrid ofClematis florida and an unknown large-flowered cultivar. Its intriguing flowers are 15-16 cm across, pink, the upper side pale at the base of the tepals, the shade getting gradually deeper towards the edges, the lower side pink-violet. 6 oval-shaped, pointed tepals have a silky sheen and provide a pretty contrast for violet anthers on rose-white filaments. Flowers appear late June-July and again September-October. It attains a height 2-2.5m and climbs by means of leaf petioles. It grows well on a shaded abut well-lit position. The cultivar resembles Clematis florida but is more sturdy and less demanding than the species. Useful for growing over trellises, stakes and other gardens supports, but can also climb up natural supports.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Ville de Lyon

Clematis Ville de Lyon
Clematis Ville de Lyon

A hardy, floriferous cultivar. Large, rounded, bright carmine-red flowers, deeper red at margins, with contrasting golden stamens. Excellent for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and wooden supports. It can clamber over natural supports e.g. small trees or deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Particularly useful for growing in shady positions.

Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł


Clematis Vistula PBR

Clematis Vistula PBR
Clematis Vistula PBR
The latest Polish cultivar bred by Szczepan Marczyński with pale violet-blue flowers of about 15 cm across, composed of 6 oval tepals, long-tipped, wavy-edged. The stamens have yellow anthers on creamy filaments. It starts flowering in June but the bloom is the most profuse in August when other cultivars are already finishing their flowering period. It attains the height of 2,5-3 m and attaches itself to the support by means of twining leaf petioles. Useful for growing on arbours, fences, trellises, poles and various garden supports. It can climb up natural supports such as deciduous and coniferous shrubs or dwarf shrubs.


Availability: available

Dispatched within: March 2024


38,90 zł

incl. 8.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: 36,02 zł

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